Feeling Better: A Kid’s Book about Therapy
by: Rachel Rashkin
publisher: Magination Press, published: 2005-01
ASIN: 1591472377
EAN: 9781591472377
sales rank: 391772
price: $10.60 (new), $10.26 (used)
Using a journal format, 12-year-old Maya chronicles her emotional ups and downs and describes the process of psychotherapy. She begins by describing a change in her feelings and functioning: a lack of interest in things she used to love, difficulties in school, and problems getting along with her friends and family none of the problems extreme but serious enough to merit attention and intervention. The problems are portrayed as quite general, in order to reach the widest possible audience. The focus is not about resolving Maya’s particular problems but about informing the reader about the process of psychotherapy and its potential usefulness. By the end of the book, Maya is feeling better. She has discovered that changes in her family affected her more than she realized, has become aware of the suppressed feelings that have gnawed away at her, and has learned to deal with them more openly, with the result that she is back to being her old (true) self.